
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Every Two Minutes

Every 2 minutes, someone in the United States is sexually assaulted.
 1 out of 6 women have been the victim of an attempt or completed rape in their lifetime.
Out of all rapes, 77% are committed by someone the victims know.
Rape is the most common violent crime on college campuses.
I don't know about you guys, but these number is just far too high in my books. 
No matter what someone is wearing, or the amount they had to drink doesn’t mean that they “ask for it”.
 NO means NO!

This past weekend I had the extraordinary honor to participate in a 5K to raise sexual assault awareness on Camp Lejeune. It is so important to me that people are educated and help raise sexual assault awareness in the military, campuses, at parties and just in any situation. Rape isn't just a for adults either! It is so so so so important for people to teach their children about good and bad touches. If they don't know that it is wrong from any person to touch them where their bathing suit covers, abuse could go on for years! So please, I'm begging, start educating them young. There are so many great books that explain what sexual abuse is without scaring them in any way like herehere, or here. If you're not ready to have the full blown talk at least let them know that if they are hurt in anyway, that they can tell you without fear of getting in trouble. In most cases they think a) no one will believe them. b) they will be in trouble  or  c)they will get hurt if they tell. Children need reassurance that it is not their fault. They also need to know that their abusers secret only stays safe if they keep it! But, moving back to adults, it's important for any sexual assault victims to tell the police immediately. Police can gather evidence up to 72 hours after an attack!  It's a scary thing, but all you are doing is telling the truth. In court, they are bound by the law and you are only bound by the truth. So report it and take a stand! Let everyone know that it is not okay to violate anyone in anyway. The 5k turned out great! Although it was for a VERY serious matter,  we had a ton of fun with it. Here is how it went... 

                  me with my good friends, Nikole and Tricia, before the race  

all of us again!

Our AWESOME shirts! 
Having some fun! 

Nikole finishing the race, WITH a baby!       

During the race!

Tricia finishing the race! 

Finished last out of the three of us, but I was so proud! 

1 comment:

  1. that is a great cause. I wonder if I can find a similar event close to where I live. SO proud of you! :)
