
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Nerd Excitement!

Okay, I am going to try to contain my excitement and share a nerd moment with you. Oh! and sorry for the lack of photos.But to fully grasp the excitement from this situation I have to tell you a little back story…..

Around this time last year one of my good friends Becky, who you can meet Here,  got me hooked on a little blog called Young House Love. Who am I kidding? It wasn’t a little blog; it’s kinnnnnd of a huge deal. John and Sherry who runs young house love are part a husband and wife team who run their blog FULL TIME! Yep! That’s how they make their living. Well anyway, I got addicted and by addicted I meant at least a few times a day I found myself saying, “Oh! I read about this thing on younghouselove”. Well I started looking through old posts and came across one of Sherry’s posts that mentioned her friend Katie Bower who runs the Bower Power Blog. I glanced at her blog, but never really had the time to fully read it.

Flash forward to now, and being that I am the spouse of a deployed marine, I have a lot of time on my hands. I finally managed to read a big chunk of Bower Power and let me just say…it makes my heart so happy! And yes, my excitement is borderline creepy but read it and you’d feel the same.

Well any who, I decided to shoot her a little thank you email because whenever I’m having a rough day or I haven’t heard from Matthew I check out her blog and it always cheers me up. Anyone who has the power do that, deserves a big thanks in my books. Plus, she is just such an inspiration. I knew I probably wouldn’t get a respond. She’s a busy lady with a toddler, a blog to run and a bun in the oven. But, after I discovered that I didn’t due to hot on my biology exam I got an email notification on my phone. At first I was excited because I thought it was Matthew. Then I got REALLY excited because I saw that it was a reply to me email. It wasn't anything long but it was short and sweet! I was just really flattered that she took time out of her day to email me back. Okay, end nerd excitement :)

A cheerful look brings joy to the heart, and good news give health to the bones-Proverbs 15:30

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