A while back, I saw a few pins on pinterest far a "car kit". It is just a little something to keep in your car if you need it. I found some examples here, here, or here. I took a few of those ideas and made it my own. I grabbed an old make up kit and gathered my materials.
Here is a list of what I included in my kit.
-hand sanitizer: just because it's a staple in my life.
-hair ties/bobby pins: I always manage to leave my hair ties at home when I need them the most
-Orajel: Sometimes I just get random tooth aches, always when we are in the middle of a 14 hour car ride.
-Insect Repellent: The kind I have is actually a lotion, but it works all the same.
-Anti Itch Stick: This is great because it's not a cream, and its a stick you can just easily throw in a purse or bag!
-Chloraseptic Spray: Always be prepared for cold and flu season. Bring on the sore throats.
-Baby Wipes: Things tend to get messy, I actually got a free sample so I just added it to my kit.
-Ibuprofen- These are obviously for those mid-road trip head aches, or for that one person in your car that has a head ache but no one has pain reliever..ever!
-Feminine Hygiene Products: Okay, Okay. I mean tampons and panty liners. I am a girl, and one of the pleasures of being a girl is getting a monthly cycle. Something I affectionately call shark week. Matthew could care less if this was in our car kit, but sometimes things just sneak up on you and you need a "feminine hygiene product".
-Imodium Tablets: Let's face it, sometimes that burrito from a fast food chain was just a bad idea.
-Tissues: ..because sometimes you just have to blow your nose. Or, blot your face because it is a million degrees out. Either way, tissues are handy.
-Midol: See "Feminine Hygiene Products". Shark week tends to include cramps and bloating.
-Tums: See "Imodium Tablets"
-First Aid Kit: I always seem to cut my finger at the most random times. Like, from a paper cut while reading a book in the passenger seat. Yaaaay bandaids!
-Chap Stick: Chapped lips just aren't fun at all.
-Contact Solution:When I need to flush out my eyes because I yet again managed to get something stuck in my eye and it's driving my contacts crazy...contact solution is amazing.
-Cough Drops: See "Chloraseptic Spray"
-Gum: Driving through the mountains= ear popping
-Cliff Bar: This is the "ahh, I'm starving but I'm in the middle of no where" emergency fuel. I may or may not be the person that feels the need to have a few MRE's in my tire hatch.
-Sunblock: I have gone to the beach on more than one occasion and realized I forgot my sunblock. Be Prepared!
-Lotion: Have you ever shaved your legs, wore shorts outside and realized when you're 5 miles down the road that you forgot to lotion your obviously ashy legs? This girl has on more than one occasion.
This is just what I personally need for my car at the moment. I would make a kit for Matthew's truck a little differently, but honestly feel satisfied with just one for right now. Another thing I have is a plastic bag dispenser to store plastic bags, obviously. And by plastic bag dispenser, I mean that I have an empty Lysol wipes container. I got the idea here. You can take so many takes on this idea. I plan on making a "kid" car kit when the time comes. I've seen a few different concept of this idea. You can make them for different age groups like baby, toddler and child. You can include things from toys and entertainment to a spare change of clothes, diapers and bottles. Some ideas are like this, this and this. I absolutely love the idea of having a "go to" bag for the car. When we get a little bit bigger car, I will probably make something like this. I hope I help inspire you to make a "go to" bag!
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