A little background information, I was a bald baby. I'm pretty sure I didn't grow hair until I was going on three, which is pretty accurate according to the photos I received. So, I really do look like a little boy. I got over my embarrassment a long time ago for my baldness.
So here is my baby photo...
I know, I know. I look too adorable for my own good. Bald, but adorable.
Now, here is a pictures of my nephew Parker..
Well, it's a picture of me, my sister and Parker. But, this is a picture that has a similar facial expression. I have concluded...that my sister did indeed steal my ovaries because there is a freakish resemblance.
This is a rather random post, but I found these pictures while working on a project and was really freaked out. All this time we thought Parker just took after my brother in law, turns out he does take after our side too!