Well it’s 2013 a month into 2013… so it’s time to kick
my butt into gear and accomplish some things. As cliché as it is, I’m going to
get some new years resolutions going. Well, more like new years goals to me. I
like to stick with some easy ones at first but decided to put a little more
effort this year.
Goal One: No Soda
I figured this was a simple goal to accomplish since I never was a big soda drinker. But, when we go out or
travel I always find myself going for the soda. We don’t buy it for the house,
so it’s not that I’m an “addict”. But, when I travel I find myself always
reaching for soda vs. water. So, my goal is to hit a six-month of no soda and
then re evaluate my goal for a year.
Goal Two: Improve Health
I know a big new years resolution is to lose weight. I don’t
want to lose weight, but I want to get healthy. I love biking at the gym, so my
goal is to be able to bike 30 miles a week by Easter, and then readjust my
goal. I’d also love to be able to feel comfortable in a swimsuit. I’m not
referring to having a rocking abs or anything, but just comfortable. I’d love
not to have constant bloating from an unhealthy diet. So, I’m going to be
working on a healthy eating habits, sleeping habits, working out and even doing
more yoga.
Goal Three: Scheduling
I find myself going out my day in a smoother manner when I
have a schedule to keep. I’m going to make a strict daily schedule to keep for
a few weeks until I get into the swing of things. When I’m left up to my own
devices, I find myself doing things like reading two books a day, all day,
because I don’t have anything “important” going on that day. So, that’s another
thing I want to work on.
Goal Four: Relationships
I want to work on the relationships in my life… not only my
marriage, but also my relationships with my friends and family as well. I want
to work on having strong relationships to the people who really matter, rather
than only put in the minimum effort to have a lot of random people in my life.
Goat Five: The Big Man
I really need to start having more one on one time with God.
I say my prayers, but I would love to do a daily devotional and really work on
my relationship rather than religion.
Goal Six: Be Studious
I am a junior in college and I’d be lying if I said I was
trying my hardest up until now. I did enough to have a decent GPA, but upon
looking into graduate programs I realized that I needed to get my butt into
gear. Let’s just say I may be even worse at posting to my blow now that my
first classes after winter break start Monday.
Goal Seven: Organized
My house is a disaster zone. After Matthew got home, I realized that I really needed to be more organized. I am really putting that near the top of my list because an organized life is a happy life!
My house is a disaster zone. After Matthew got home, I realized that I really needed to be more organized. I am really putting that near the top of my list because an organized life is a happy life!
Goal Eight: Literature
I read a lot of “junk food” when it comes to books. My goal
is to really put a dint in my books to read list. I want to finish 20 books off
of THIS list this year. I love to read so I am really excited to tackle this goal!
Goal Nine: Blogging
I always have the greatest intentions of blogging more, even if it's not about a particular even or project. But, with the big move to Louisiana slowly approaching I am trying to make more of an effort. Most people who read my blog are friends and family so it's a way to keep everyone updated. Plus, it's almost therapeutic. So, pending my school schedule I will try to blog more.
Goal Nine: Blogging
I always have the greatest intentions of blogging more, even if it's not about a particular even or project. But, with the big move to Louisiana slowly approaching I am trying to make more of an effort. Most people who read my blog are friends and family so it's a way to keep everyone updated. Plus, it's almost therapeutic. So, pending my school schedule I will try to blog more.
Basically, I just want to start trying harder and being
better. Until now I think I’ve been doing “just enough” in all aspects of my
life. I want to start going above and beyond. So there you have it, my goals.
Let’s hope I can really accomplish some things and kick butt!