I lasted a week at texas roadhouse, but before I get to that story...
A little trip down memory lane for you guys, I've spent a good chunk of my work life in restaurants. In 2007, when I was 15 before I was even able to drive, I started working at a local restaurant in my home town as a hostess and when I was 16 I got bumped up to server. A big shout out to my family for being so supportive during that time. My mom and step dad, who I affectionally call donnie bob or daddy number 2, drove me to work every time I had to be at the restaurant at 7 in the morning and picked me up well after closing. I can honestly say I am so blessed to have amazing parents who supported me wanting to work versus going to school homecoming games or dances. But, back to Richards. There are times I hated that places, and yes I do realize hate is a rather strong word. But it was true; there were time where if I never had to go back there, it would be too soon. But, there is a part of me that loves that places to death. And again, I do realize love is a strong word. It’s true though! I made some of my best friends there, and most important it was where I “learned the value of a dollar”. And boy, did I ever learn the value of a dang dollar! I was very fortunate to be able to have the job that I did, especially because I was from such a small town area. As a matter of fact, I was from the smallest county in Indiana. Most of my memories of Richard's were fond, but not all of them. I can honestly say that throughout high school I probably saw my manager, Steve, more than I did my own parents. My best friends were the people I worked beside every day...and I do mean every day! We were literally like a family. One day we hated each other, and the next we were laughing together while wrapping silverware and wanting to switch shifts. My customers was the best too! I mean of course there were always "those" customers that made you mad before you even got their drinks, but my regulars were awesome. To this day, I have never waited on people that were as cool as my regulars. Sure, they wouldn't leave the best tips but they made my bad days great. I remember when matt broke up with me, don't worry it was only a two day break up. Well my hands down favorite customer, Bob, talked with me about it and told me not to be upset by some dumb "jarhead". It made me feel 100% better! I worked there until it was time for me to move away for college, in August 2010.

This was taken after my first morning shift.
Of course, this was during my mysapce phase and I was bored at work
My friend, Britt, always made my shifts better!
My very best friend, Danielle, the night before I moved
Excuse the terrible quality, but this is a picture of me and my favorite family ever! My two best friends and "aunt" Heidi :)
And then there was Crackerbarrel. I was only "unemployed" for two weeks before I got hired. All in all, it was a great place to work. Nice people, nice customers, but a lot bigger than what I was used to. I worked at two locations. One being Crackerbarrel in Orange Park, Florida. And the other being Crackerbarrel in Kingsland, Georgia. I was very fond the Orange Park location. The people were some of the best and professional people I've ever worked with. Plus, the pay was great. And by great, I mean fan freaking tastic. I made more in working a measly 3 or 4 shifts a week then I did working 6 days a week in Kingsland. But, I moved to Kingsland because Matthew and I got our first apartment together, yahoooo! To understand why I quit Crackerbarrel, you have to understand Matthew's work schedule. He was "down" at work for 5 days, and home for 5 days. Sometimes those 5 days home were never guaranteed and I didn't want to spend the days I did have with my husband, working and him missing out on awesome things like home cooked meals. Because, of course, I wasn't one of the fine few that was able to work the morning shifts. So, my time at Crackerbarrel was short lived. I did make some great friends and on my last night there they gave me a proper send off.

Yep, they threw whipped cream all over me.
When we moved to Carolina, I decided to go a different route and try my hand at nannying. I love it! During the day I take care of a 3 year old little boy and in the afternoon I take care of him and his sister who is 7. It's the best job ever! I watch batman, go to the park, and color all day! But with summer break coming up I will be out of work until school starts back up in the fall. My employer is a full time student at a local college. So, that brings us to Texas Roadhouse. I applied for a waitressing position and got hired the very next day. It is GREAT company to work for. Don't get me wrong, the company is wonderful and it is a great place to work....just not for me. I should have known better than to even applying. I feel terrible because I told a lie when I quit, and I am probably on a no hire list now. But it just wasn't a good place for me to work. I'm not claiming to be a Jesus freak or holy roller, but there are certain things I like to surround myself with. I'm not claiming that I never curse, but it seemed like every five minutes I was hearing someone drop the F bomb and it seemed like every single person smoked. That doesn't mean they weren't great people, I'm sure they were, but that is just something I don't like to surround myself with. Then they always wanted me to "break out of my shell" but I'm just naturally a quiet person. I can get whatever job I have done without screaming or yelling. Basically, I felt like a minnow in a catfish pond. I had such high anxiety that it just was not worth me risking my health for only two months of extra cash until I started nannying again. So there you have it what lead up to my first, last and only week at Texas Roadhouse.

My only pictures as a "roadie"